Osmothèque: An Innovative Installation that Translates WhatsApp Messages into Smell

Bringing Emotion to Un-Emotion

Osmothèque, designed by Jade de Robles Rossdale, is a unique installation that aims to make people stop and see what is happening around us on a technological level. By playing with our senses and making us actively smell rather than passively, Osmothèque invites us to reflect on our evolving relationship with technology and communication.

The installation consists of a laboratory divided into two parts, offering a space for experimentation and debate about our senses in relation to technology. What sets Osmothèque apart is its use of scent, a rarely explored aspect of design. By using scent in an analogical way with our senses, Osmothèque aims to make participants empathize and rethink the way they communicate with themselves and those around them.

The structures for the installation were designed in collaboration with a blacksmith, providing a visually enticing and physically engaging experience for viewers. Graphic pieces created by Jade de Robles Rossdale guide participants through the exhibition, while scents supplied by a specialized company add a sensory dimension to the installation.

Participants first encounter a message along with its representation in the form of a graph and a corresponding smell. They are invited to read and interpret the message based on the fragrance they have in their hands. In the second part of the installation, participants can create their own scent based on a message from their phones. By choosing emotions from different olfactive families, they can turn the message into a personalized fragrance to take home.

Osmothèque challenges the notion that communication is solely verbal or visual. It highlights the importance of non-verbal communication and the role of scent in conveying emotions. By bringing emotion to what is often considered unemotional, Osmothèque encourages participants to be more aware of the emotions behind their words and to rethink the way they use technology in their emotional interactions.

The project began in Barcelona in April 2015 and was completed in June 2015. Osmothèque was showcased at Elisava School in October 2015 and at MOB (Makers of Barcelona) in June 2015.

Osmothèque received the Iron A' Design Award in 2016, recognizing its well-designed, practical, and innovative nature. This award acknowledges creations that meet professional and industrial requirements while contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jade de Robles Rossdale
Image Credits: Image1: Jade de Robles Rossdale (Creative, Copywriter, Graphic Designer, Installation Designer) Image2: Jade de Robles Rossdale (Creative, Copywriter, Graphic Designer, Installation Designer) Image3: Jade de Robles Rossdale (Creative, Copywriter, Graphic Designer, Installation Designer) Image4: Jade de Robles Rossdale (Creative, Copywriter, Graphic Designer, Installation Designer) Image5: Jade de Robles Rossdale (Creative, Copywriter, Graphic Designer, Installation Designer)
Project Team Members: Jade de Robles Rossdale
Project Name: Osmotheque
Project Client: Jade de Robles Rossdale

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Osmotheque  IMG #5

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